Hello Warriors!
Update 1.8.6
Hello, warriors of Priston Tale 2, keep tune with the update:
* New aging Event.
- The increasse of sucess rate from aging +17, +18 and +19.
* New Event dungeon avaliable from level 50-89.
- You can acess the "Halloween Dungeon" from Caeldome.
* Removed the double click option login, to prevent some disconnect problem.
- Now you need to select the character and press "Start" button.
* New Mount avaliable on Shop.
- The "Champignon" is the new ride who was scared by the pumpkin legion and
since then he never become a fine mushurrom again. He run scared with 140% speed.
to increasse moviment speed by 140%.
* Fixed aging +18 and +19 Color position.
* Fixed the crown from arena reward.
* Fixed ring craft error.
* Fixed Settings problem on high resolution monitor.
Today whe finish a first stage of a long term investigation on several players who abuse the one-shot system to
acquired the high aging on many itens in the game.
* all itens who match on our system verification will be you status reduced from the single use of one-shot aging.
if you have any question feel free to contact us on ticket support.