To specialize an item, take your item to Specialising Master, Ravata in Caeldome.
For example if you are a Warrior then you will want to add specialization stats to your sword that would benefit your class. However the process of specializing an item is random. In other words, the process of specializing an item may not always result in the specialization to your desire. Additionally the potential stats you receive from specializing an item is random as well.
Items can be specialized and un-specialized as many times without any risk of destorying the item. there is no failure or changes on aging and it can always be brought back to normal item by normalizing.
To begin specialization of an item, take your item to the Specialization Master.
The item must be at least level 20 in order to specialize and the character must have a job (profession). |
You need two key materials to specialize it including Spec. Cells and Artistones. Check the Rune Level of your item before getting Spec. Cells to know which level of Spec. Cells you need in order to match the requirement. Click on the "Specializing" button when you have met the materials and Eons requirements. |
While specializing, the profession will show on the buttom of the item info and additional stats can be seen.
Specialized stats will be shown in green color if your class matches with your specialized item. Otherwise, it will show in grey color. Each item (weapon, shield, etc.) can have different options. |
Once an item has been specialized it will be given a random class and random specialization stats.
If the specialization you receive is not to you liking, then you can specialize the item again after changing the item back to normal. The same similar process applies to changing an item back to normal, however this time we have to use Norm. Cells to ultimately remove the current specialization. |
For normalizing items, it has a 100% chance of success regardless of age level and circle, it keeps the original status. |
For normalizing, it has 100% of succeed and regardless of aging and circle, it keeps the original status. |